“One person's craziness is another person's reality.” True that Tim Burton. Can you say iconic? Tim Burton is such an inspiration to artists, designers, writers, and anyone who believes in a fantasy world full of creepy innuendos. The beauty of him is his ability to surprise you in every film he creates, with his over-the-top characters, his wife , Helena Bonham Carter, who somehow always gets the part just right, and Johnny Depp as the most diverse actor to date. In celebration of his success The Museum of Modern Art will be putting on an exhibition of Burtons retrospective career on November 22 through April 26th, 2010. It will present artwork generated during the conception and production of his films, and highlights a number of unrealized projects and never-before-seen pieces. In a variety of mediums Burton exhibits his own genre that I like to call Tim Burtonesque. Here’s a photo shoot done by Tim Walker for Harper’s Bazaar based off of Tim Burton Characters. A big thanks to Musie for putting these wonderful pictures on her blog.

“Just because I cannot see it, doesn't mean I can't believe it!”
~Spoken like a true Hero Jack Skellington
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